On-Line Manual




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G-E stores several photographs of vehicle components. These photos are useful in explaining faults and work required to clients.

To view the graphics library, select Utilities
from the Main Menu. Select Graphics from the drop down menu. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+G hotkey combination from the Main Menu. G-E presents the Graphics Library.

Select different photos by typing the underlined hotkey letter, using the Up and Down arrow keys or selecting with the mouse.
The downloaded version of the software contains only one image in an effort to reduce the download size. (The full download contains more images) Images of .bmp, .jpg and .gif format can be added to the library by saving them in the "GEAuto" directory located in your root drive C: (C:\GEAuto)

Systems running Windows 9x can only display images of .bmp format unless they are using Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher.

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