On-Line Manual




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Print Job Sheets is a useful utility which prints any number of job sheets used by technicians on the floor to record parts, times and job notes. With this utility, you will no longer have to purchase job sheets.

To print job sheets, select Utilities
from the Main Menu. Select Print Job Sheets from the drop down menu. The Print Job Sheet dialogue is displayed.

To print any number of blank jobsheets, enter the number of blank jobsheets you require in the "Copies" field leaving the "Rego" field blank and click Ok or press Enter to commence printing.

To print a jobsheet with a vehicle rego number printed in the jobsheet's Rego field, enter a rego number in the "Rego" field and the number of jobsheets you require in the "Copies" field. Click Ok or press Enter to commence printing. The current date will also be printed in the jobsheet's Date field.

To print a jobsheet for a vehicle already in the system, click the "Get Vehicle" control. G-E presents the vehicle listing containing all vehicles in the system. Locate the vehicle you require. Enter the number of jobsheets you require in the "Copies" field. Click Ok or press Enter to commence printing. G-E will print the Client and Vehicle information in all fields of the jobsheet depending on the information found in the client and vehicle files.

Click Cancel
or press Esc to abort the process.

See a Jobsheet Sample

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Tax Information

Select Default Printer
Envelope Setup
Print Job Sheet

Conversion Table