On-Line Manual




Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket  Workshop 

G-E can store text which can be imported into work orders and other functions with a couple of mouse clicks. The Text Entry utility is the doorway to the Text Libraries where the texts are held. The texts that are stored can be written directly into the Text Library (using the 'New Text Entry' option) or saved from a work order. You will find you will mainly build up your saved texts from work orders. When you have typed the text into a work order, you can easily save it using the work order text controls.
The way users describe the job performed on invoices vary greatly. Some users will describe a water pump change on a Camry as simply "Replace water pump". Others will describe the job in detail outlining the components removed etc to perform the job. I am of the latter. Detailed invoice text not only builds a precise vehicle history, but also helps justify the cost of the job to the client.

For the user who tends to enter only basic 'one line' text, there would be little advantage in saving texts. Using the system's "FastText" would be better suited for "one-liners". For the user who prefers detailed job descriptions, the texts are an incredible time saver.  

Like parts, text can be "Global" or "Model specific". The detailed text for a water pump change on a Camry would be different from the same job performed on a Commodore. A brake reline on a vehicle, however, would be similar on most vehicles and therefore would be "Global".

Text Entry

New Text Entry
Load Text Entry / Code
Load Text Entry / Model
