On-Line Manual




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Load Text Entry / Code is used to find and load a text entry for editing. The list of text entries on file is sorted by code. All text entries are listed, both "model specific" and "global".

To load a text entry by code, select Utilities
from the Main Menu. Select Text Entry from the drop down menu. Select Load Text Entry / Code from the submenu. The Select Text Entry list is displayed, sorted by code.

Enter the search code for the text entry you wish to load. Select the text entry to load and click Ok, press Enter or double click the entry in the list. The text entry is displayed in the Edit Text dialogue as it was when added to the library or last edited.

Make any changes you require to the entry. Click Ok to update and save the information. Select the Delete control to remove the entry from the library.

If you change the text entry code when editing a text entry, G-E will save the text entry as a new file with the new code. The original text entry will remain on file unchanged.
If you change the vehicle Model in the Model field, the text entry will be saved the specific model library. If you delete any model name from the Model field, the entry will be saved to the Global text library. 

Text Entry

New Text Entry
Load Text Entry / Code
Load Text Entry / Model
