On-Line Manual




Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket  Workshop 

Prepare work orders and invoices for jobs performed on vehicles or for clients without a vehicle. Load work orders in progress for further additions of work performed and parts used. Delete a work order in progress. View any invoice by many search methods. View a list of invoices drawn between search dates. Print any invoice or selected invoices. Show dates that any invoice was printed in the past. Prepare tax adjustments (credits) for clients and view any past tax adjustments. Prepare quotes for work on vehicles or clients without vehicles.

All invoicing, quotes and tax adjustment functions work in exactly the same manner. Editing controls which appear on all the screens perform the same task.

With this in mind, the main instruction on using these functions are explained in the
New Work Order/Vehicle option at left. Please familiarize yourself with this function first as it is referred to often.

Invoicing Overview

New Quote / Client
New Quote / Vehicle
Load Quote

New Work Order/Client
New Work Order/Vehicle
Load Work Order

Invoice Register    
View Invoice
Print Invoice
Invoice Print Dates

New Tax Adjustment
Load Tax Adjustment

Edit a Finalised Invoice