On-Line Manual




Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket  Workshop 

Invoices can be printed from any function which displays an invoice. Print Invoice is a utility to provide quick printing of one or several selected invoices. This can be used when a client wants a copy of an invoice or you wish to print the invoices you wrote at home for the previous day.
To print a particular invoice, select Invoice
from the Main Menu. From the drop down menu, select Print Invoice. G-E presents a descending list of all invoices on file in the Print Invoice list. Enter the invoice number to quickly locate the invoice. If you do not have the invoice number to hand, the invoice can easily be located by selecting an alternative search method. Highlight the invoice you wish to print and click Ok or double click the entry to print the invoice. G-E presents the Print Options dialogue. Set the print options you require and click Ok or press Enter to print the invoice. The options you select in the Print Options dialogue will be applied to all the invoices you have selected for printing.

Selecting Multiple Invoices in Consecutive Order.
Any number of invoices can be sent to the printer. To make a multiple selection in consecutive order, click on the entry at the top of your selection and drag the mouse pointer down while holding the mouse button. Each invoice is selected as the mouse is dragged down. Release the mouse button when the entry at the bottom of your selection is highlighted. Click Ok
or press Enter to continue. The Print Options dialogue is presented. The selections you make in the Print Options are applied to all the invoices to be printed. Click Ok or press Enter to send the selection to the printer.

Alternative methods of selecting entries in consecutive order are: Click on the entry at the top of your selection. Hold the Shift
key and click on the entry at the bottom of your selection. All entries between the selections are selected. Continue as above.

If you are a "keyboard person" (like me), select the top entry of your selection. Hold the Shift
key and press the Up or Down arrow keys to select. Continue as above when your selection is complete.

Selecting Multiple Invoices in Inconsecutive Order.
Any number of invoice entries can be selected in inconsecutive order for printing. This can only be performed with the mouse. To select multiple entries, click your first selection. Hold the Ctrl key and click on the next selection. Continue to select all required entries.
Multiple entries can be made by using a combination of the above selection methods. At any time you can use the scroll bar to move elsewhere in the list. At any time, click on the search text field and enter an invoice number to move to that point in the list.

Invoicing Overview

New Quote / Client
New Quote / Vehicle
Load Quote

New Work Order/Client
New Work Order/Vehicle
Load Work Order

Invoice Register    
View Invoice
Print Invoice
Invoice Print Dates

New Tax Adjustment
Load Tax Adjustment

Edit a Finalised Invoice