On-Line Manual




Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket  Workshop 

Invoice Print Dates is used to show if a previous invoice has been printed in the past. This may sound pretty pointless but this function was written as an aid to editing an invoice. We know you must not edit an invoice if a client has the printed invoice.

Let us assume a couple of days have past and you have come to realise you did not charge a client for a part. You can't remember if your client has the invoice, whether you have posted the invoice or if in fact you have printed the invoice at all. With this function, you can at least determine if you have printed the invoice. If the Invoice Print Dates function reports the invoice has been printed and it is not around or not in your outgoing post tray, you must assume your client has it so you must not edit it.

To check whether a particular invoice has been printed in the past, select Invoice
from the Main Menu. From the drop down menu, select Invoice Print Dates.

G-E presents a descending list of all invoices on file. Enter the invoice number to quickly locate the invoice. If you do not have the invoice number to hand, the invoice can easily be located by selecting an alternative search method.

Highlight the invoice you wish to check and click Ok or double click the entry to check the invoice print dates. G-E presents the Print Date information. Click Ok to clear the dialogue from the screen.

Invoicing Overview

New Quote / Client
New Quote / Vehicle
Load Quote

New Work Order/Client
New Work Order/Vehicle
Load Work Order

Invoice Register    
View Invoice
Print Invoice
Invoice Print Dates

New Tax Adjustment
Load Tax Adjustment

Edit a Finalised Invoice