On-Line Manual




Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket  Workshop

Company Details is used to alter the text in the header which G-E prints on invoices, statements and reports etc.

To change the printouts header, select Workshop
from the Main Menu. Select Company Details from the drop down menu. G-E presents the Company Details dialogue.



Change the texts in the various fields as you require and print a few "headers" to see how the changes effect your header.





Important Note:
If the program is registered, the company name cannot be changed, however adding or omitting spaces or changing the 'case' ("UPPER CASE" or "lower case" or a "Combination Of The Case") is permitted. Changing the name or adding or omitting characters from the name will result in the software de-registering.
Adding or omitting spaces in the ABN is permitted, however changing numbers in the ABN or adding or removing characters will result in the software de-registering.

More Info:
If you change your company name, we will issue a new registration code at no charge as it is our policy that G-E adds no extra cost burden to your business once the software has been purchased.
If you change the ABN, however we regard the change as a new business and a new registration code must be purchased at the current software price.


Register Program
Company Details
Company Logo

Print Letterhead
New Letter
Load Letter

Monthly Statistics
Technicians Performance


Distributor Details
