On-Line Manual




Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket  Workshop

Turnover is a useful function to provide information about your workshop's sales. The Turnover function lists and tallies all invoices and docket sales for any period entered by the user. This period can range from a single day to all entries on the system. The Turnover function presents you totals of parts, labour, other revenue and sublet work sales excluding GST on each invoice and the totals of each invoice including GST. G-E tallies and displays the grand total of all these items.

To check the workshop turnover for any given period, select Workshop
from the Main Menu. Select Turnover from the drop down menu. The Date Range dialogue is displayed.

Enter the dates for the turnover report. G-E presents the Turnover list which displays all the relevant information for the selected period.

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