On-Line Manual

Work Order assignmet
Client assignment
Stock assignment 



Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket   Workshop 

Receipting Entries:

When parts or services are delivered, the specific items on the Purchase Order which was initially created to obtain the parts or services must be "receipted". Load the Purchase Order by selecting Orders from the Main Menu and choosing any of the load methods.

At this point, as you now have the supplier's invoice to hand, it is a good opportunity to update parts prices in the parts libraries with the new prices etc if required. Select an item in the Purchase Order and click the Edit Library Part control to update the parts files.

When an item is selected in the Purchase Order, click the Receipt Entry control or double click the entry to commence "receipting" the item. The receipting process is dependant on the selected item's assignment.

Receipting Work Order assigned items:
If the selected item you intend to receipt has "work order" assignment, G-E asks if you wish to add the item to the work order to which the item was originally assigned:

Select Yes to have G-E automatically enter the item in the work order. G-E will enter the item using the current price in the item's part file x the quantity of the order. (Ensure the prices are current). G-E then offers the option to view the updated work order.

Select No to receipt the item without adding it to the work order.

After receipting an item, G-E places an "R" in the "Rec" column of the Purchase Order to indicate the "receipted" status.
If you choose No to the dialogue, G-E will simply mark the item as receipted and perform no further action. You must enter the part into the work order using the normal method of adding parts to work orders.
A receipted item can be "unreceipted" by selecting the item and clicking the Receipt Entry control again or double clicking the entry again. If the item was added to the work order, unreceipting the entry will NOT remove the item from the work order. G-E warns you of this with a message. You must load the work order using the "View Work Order" control on the Purchase Order window or from the Invoice menu and remove the item if need be.
A work order cannot be finalised if any purchase order contains items assigned to it. You must either receipt the items, reassign the items, cancel the items or delete the items from the outstanding purchase orders before the work order can be finalised.

Receipting Client assigned items:
Client assigned items cannot be receipted. A client assigned item must be reassigned to a work order or stock before it can be receipted. This ensures the client is always eventually charged for the item or the item is correctly accounted for in the inventory.
If any purchase order contains a client assigned item, G-E reminds you of the assigned items whenever a work order to the assigned client is finalised.

Receipting Stock assigned items:
Stock assigned items are tied to the Inventory. (See Inventory in the Workshop menu).
To receipt a stock assigned item, select the entry in the purchase order and click the Receipt Entry control or double click the entry in the list. G-E presents the "Update Inventory" request:

Select No to receipt the entry and apply no further action. Select Cancel to close the dialogue without making any changes.


Select Yes to update the inventory. 
 If you select Yes to update the inventory, G-E presents the "Inventory Levels" dialogue:


The Inventory Levels dialogue presents the part's levels as they stand in the inventory at the current moment.


The Set Quantity is the current quantity of the item in stock before adding the stock being receipted in the purchase order. This figure can be changed to show the correct quantity in stock at the current moment should a physical count reveal a change needs to be made. The number of the item being added to stock need not be entered in the "Add to Quantity" field. G-E already knows this number and will do the maths for you.

The Minimum and Maximum figures are the set levels for the item as they were entered when the part was added to the inventory. These figures can also be adjusted here if required.
If you are happy with the displayed quantities, select Ok or press Enter to complete the receipting process and update the inventory without further confirmation. G-E adds the quantity of the item on the purchase order to the displayed inventory quantity and updates the inventory with the new total.

The Update Inventory control updates the information and presents the Inventory Levels dialogue again with the updated information:

G-E has now added the quantity of the item as entered in the purchase order to the previous Quantity figure. Once again, any figure can still be altered here. Select Ok or press Enter to complete the update. The Inventory is then updated with the new figures.


If the Stock assigned item has not yet been added to the inventory, G-E displays the Update Inventory dialogue with empty fields. Fill the fields with the appropriate figures (See Workshop > Inventory for details). Bear in mind that G-E will add the purchase order quantity to the Inventory Levels quantity on completion of receipting the entry.
G-E will automatically create the new entry in the Inventory using the part code and description as entered in the part's file and set the minimum and maximum levels with the figures entered in the above Inventory Levels dialogue.


New Purchase Order

Receipting Items

Load Order / Client
Load Order / PO
Load Order / Date
Load Order / Supplier

Load Outstanding Order / Client
Load Outstanding Order / PO

New Supplier
Load Supplier

Print Letters
Print Envelopes








































