On-Line Manual




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Load Order by Supplier is used to load a Purchase Order for viewing or amending.

The Load Order / Supplier presents a list of all Purchase Orders, receipted or not, sorted by supplier name. Only suppliers which have had items ordered from them using the Purchase Orders function are listed.

A supplier entry will appear in the list for each Purchase Order which meets the above criteria.

To recall a Purchase Order by supplier name, select Orders from the Main Menu. Select Load Order / Supplier from the submenu. The Purchase Orders list sorted by supplier name is presented.

Enter the supplier name in the search text box. G-E will scroll the list to the first instance which matches the search text. All Purchase Orders which meet the above criteria for the supplier are grouped together.

Select the Purchase Order in the list which you wish to recall and click Ok or double click the entry in the list. The Purchase Order is opened for viewing or amending.


New Purchase Order

Receipting Items

Load Order / Client
Load Order / PO
Load Order / Date
Load Order / Supplier

Load Outstanding Order / Client
Load Outstanding Order / PO

New Supplier
Load Supplier

Print Letters
Print Envelopes