On-Line Manual




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Load Outstanding Order / PO (Purchase Order) is used to open any Purchase Order which has outstanding unreceipted items. Only Purchase Orders which contain unreceipted items are listed. The unreceipted item's assignment is irrelevent.

To load an outstanding Purchase Order by PO, select Orders from the Main Menu. Select Load Outstanding Order / PO from the submenu. All outstanding Orders (Orders which contain unreceipted items) are listed, sorted numerically in ascending order.

Select the Purchase Order you wish to view and click Ok. The selected order is presented for viewing, receipting or amending.

Load Outstanding Order / PO will only list outstanding orders. (Orders which contain unreceipted items).


New Purchase Order

Receipting Items

Load Order / Client
Load Order / PO
Load Order / Date
Load Order / Supplier

Load Outstanding Order / Client
Load Outstanding Order / PO

New Supplier
Load Supplier

Print Letters
Print Envelopes