On-Line Manual


Receipt Entry
Reassign Item

Work Order Assignment
Client Assignment
Stock Assignment
Edit Quantity


Edit Library Part
Delete Part
Cancel Entry

Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket  Workshop 

A Purchase Order cannot be created unless "Suppliers" have been added to the Orders system. (See "New Supplier" for information on adding suppliers to the system).

To create a new Purchase Order, select Orders from the Main Menu. Select New Purchase Order from the drop down submenu. G-E presents the Supplier list containing all the suppliers in the orders system. Select the supplier to receive the new Purchase Order. G-E presents the New Purchase Order dialogue.

The dialogue header shows the current date, supplier details and the Purchase Order number.
Select the Edit Date control to change the current date. Enter the required date in the New Date dialogue. Click Ok on the New Date dialogue to accept the change. The date is changed in the Purchase Order header.

Parts and or services added to a Purchase Order must have an "assignment". There are three types of assignment any part or service may have; "Work Order" assignment, "Client" assignment and "Stock" assignment.
Assignments tell G-E how to deal with each item on the Purchase Order when they are "receipted". Any item in the Purchase Order can have it's assignment changed and indeed there are times when an item needs to be "reassigned".

Work Order assignment:
The "
Add Part by.... Work Order" control is used to add a part or service (item) to the Purchase Order with a "work order" assignment. Work order assignment "ties" the item to a current work order. A work order must be current (started and saved) before a Purchase Order item can be assigned to it.

To add an item to the Purchase Order with work order assignment, select the Work Order control. G-E presents a list of all current work orders. Select the work order for which this item is being purchased. G-E presents the Select Part dialogue. The Select Part dialogue presents the Model Specific parts library for the vehicle being invoiced in the selected work order.

If the part or service you wish to add to the Purchase Order is "Global", select the "Show All" control on the Select Part dialogue. G-E loads the list with the entire parts listing.

Locate and select the part or service you wish to add to the Purchase Order. G-E presents the Quantity dialogue with the quantity defaulted to 1. Enter a new value for the quantity if you require and click Ok or press Enter on the Quantity dialogue. The selected part or service is entered in the Purchase Order.

A Purchase Order may have any number of entries assigned to any number of current work orders.
A current work order cannot be finalised if it has "unreceipted" items assigned to it on any Purchase Order.
If the selected work order is written to a client with no vehicle involved, the entire parts listing is presented for part selection as there is no vehicle "Model" known.
When a part is added to a Purchase Order, G-E enters the current Cost price as found in the part's file "Cost Price" field. If you are not sure if the prices are current, you can choose not to print the prices on the Purchase Order when it is printed. (See Print, below).

Client Assignment:
"Add Part by.... Client" control is used to add a part or service (item) to the Purchase Order with "client assignment". Client assignment ties the item to the selected client.

To add an item to the Purchase Order with client assignment, select the Client control. G-E presents a list of all clients in the database. Locate and select the client to whom the part or service is to be assigned. G-E presents the entire parts listing for item selection. Locate and select the part or service you wish to add to the Purchase Order. G-E presents the Quantity dialogue.
The dialogue is defaulted to "1". Enter a new quantity if required and click Ok or press Enter to accept the quantity. G-E adds the item to the Purchase Order. 

G-E is always aware of client assigned items on Purchase Orders. If an "unreceipted" item with client assignment is present on any Purchase Order, G-E will remind you of the outstanding item whenever any work order written to the client is finalised.
A client assigned item cannot be receipted. The item must be reassigned to either a "work order" (so the item can be sold) or "stock" before it can be receipted.

Stock Assignment:
"Add Part by.... Stock" control is used to add parts to the Purchase Order with "stock assignment". Stock assignment is used for purchasing parts for your stock on hand.
To add a part to the Purchase Order with stock assignment, select the Stock control. G-E presents the entire parts listing for item selection. Locate and select the part you wish to add to the Purchase Order. G-E presents the Quantity dialogue.
The dialogue is defaulted to "1". Enter a new quantity if required and click Ok or press Enter to accept the quantity. G-E adds the item to the Purchase Order.  

Any item in the Purchase Order can be selected by clicking on it or scrolling the list with the Up and Down arrow keys. Selecting an item activates the following controls:

Edit Quantity:
Presents the "Quantity" dialogue. The dialogue contains the current quantity of the order for the selected item. Change the quantity for the order and click Ok or press Enter to update the order.

Edit Library Part:
Presents the part file for the selected item in the Purchase Order. Update the part file if required. Use this control to keep your parts files up to date. Click Ok on the part file dialogue to save any changes made. G-E offers to update the Purchase Order with the new information.

Delete Part:
Removes the selected item from the Purchase Order. The item is removed from the Purchase Order only, not the parts system. 

Reassign Item:
Reassigns the selected item's "assignment". (
See here).

Receipt Entry:
"Receipts" the selected item in the Purchase Order.
See here for full details.

Cancel Entry:
A situation may arise when a supplier has been delivered the Purchase Order and an ordered item may be unavailable for supply due to obsoletion etc. It would not be good practice to delete the item from the Purchase Order as then there would be a difference between your records and the supplier's copy and you would have no record of ever having ordered the item. The Cancel Entry control simply "cancels" the selected item. The item remains in the Purchase Order and the item line is marked with a "C" to denote it's cancelled status. G-E then simply ignores this item. Selecting a cancelled item in the list and clicking the Cancel control again, removes the cancelled status.

Prints the Purchase Order in a format for delivery to your supplier. Any notes entered in the "Notes" field of the Purchase Order are printed.
Often, you will be adding new parts to Purchase Orders for which you have no price or parts for which you do not have updated prices. G-E uses the cost prices as listed in the parts files for items on the Purchase Order. Before printing the Purchase Order, G-E asks if you wish to print the prices. Select Yes to print the prices, No to prevent printing prices.

Saves the  Purchase Order to the system.

Delete PO:
Deletes the  Purchase Order from the system.

Further Notes:
Often, you will be adding items to a Purchase Order which are not yet in the parts system. As the part is not in the system, it is likely you do not yet know the part prices or part numbers etc. In this situation, simply select the New Part control from the part library list which is presented when adding items to orders. Enter a code or partial code if you use part numbers as well for the part. Fill in all the part fields you can. Leave the price fields blank if you do not yet know them. Save the item and add it to the order as above. When the part arrives with the supplier's invoice, select the part in the order list and click the "Edit Library Part" control. G-E presents the part library entry. Edit the fields as you require using the information now known on the supplier's invoice. If you change the code, by adding a part number etc, simply instruct G-E to delete the original part when G-E asks. Update the order entry. The new part is now saved in the parts system for future use.

New Purchase Order

Receipting Items

Load Order / Client
Load Order / PO
Load Order / Date
Load Order / Supplier

Load Outstanding Order / Client
Load Outstanding Order / PO

New Supplier
Load Supplier

Print Letters
Print Envelopes























































