On-Line Manual




Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket  Workshop 

Purchase Orders are written to suppliers of parts and services to your business. Before a Purchase Order can be created, the supplier to receive the order must be entered into the Orders system.

To enter a new supplier into the Orders systems, select Orders from the Main Menu. Select New Supplier from the submenu. G-E presents the New Supplier dialogue:

Fill the fields with the appropriate information and click Ok or press Enter to save the new supplier.
Click Cancel or press Esc to abort the process.
If a name is entered in the "Postal Name" field, G-E will use this name when addressing envelopes to the supplier. If the field is left blank, G-E will use the name in the "Company Name" field.

G-E uses the address from the main address fields to address envelopes, not the Alternate Address fields.

New Purchase Order

Receipting Items

Load Order / Client
Load Order / PO
Load Order / Date
Load Order / Supplier

Load Outstanding Order / Client
Load Outstanding Order / PO

New Supplier
Load Supplier

Print Letters
Print Envelopes