On-Line Manual




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Load all Reminders is used to present a list of all reminders in the system. Any reminder in the list can be selected and edited or deleted.

To load a reminder, select
Vehicle from the Main Menu. Select Load all Reminders from the drop down menu. If there are no reminders set in the system a message will advise you of such. G-E presents the Vehicle Service list containing all reminders set in the system.

The list shows the date each reminder is set to activate, the client who owns the vehicle for which each reminder is set, the rego number of the vehicle for which each reminder is set and the reminder description.

To select the reminder you wish to edit or delete, enter the rego number of the vehicle in the Search for Rego field. G-E will scroll the list to the first instance of the rego number in the list. Press the F12 button to jump to the next instance. Highlight the entry and click Edit, or double click the entry in the list. The entry is presented with the date and description as entered when the reminder was created.

Edit the Date (d/m/y) field or Description field as you need with the new information. Select a fixed date or estimated date by distance from the Options control if desired. Click Ok or press Enter to save the new reminder information.

If a vehicle owner is changed, the distance options will be unavailable until the new owner has had at least two "service invoices".

If you wish to remove a reminder from the system, select the reminder in the list and click the Delete control. Select the History control to view the selected vehicle's history. Select the Print Letter control to send a reminder letter to the client. Select the Get Vehicle control to load any vehicle in the system and show and work with the active reminders set for it alone.

Press Esc or click Cancel to exit the reminder without saving any changes. Click Delete to remove the reminder from the system. 

New Vehicle
Load Vehicle
Change Vehicle Rego
Change Vehicle Owner

Vehicle History
History by Date

New Reminder
Load all Reminders
Load Reminders Due
