On-Line Manual




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Change Vehicle Rego allows you to change the rego number of any vehicle on file.
To change a rego number, select
Vehicle from the Main Menu. From the vehicle drop down menu, select Change Vehicle Rego. The vehicle search list is displayed. Select the vehicle which is to receive the new rego number.

The Change Rego dialogue is displayed. Enter the new rego number into the New Rego field. Click Ok or press Enter to save the change. Clicking Cancel or pressing Esc aborts the process without saving any changes. G-E shows confirmation of the rego number change.

Special Note:
Due to the Windows programming environment, do NOT use the ambersand ( & ) character in rego numbers.

Any invoices finalised with the previous rego number remain unchanged. Your records must match the records your client holds as printed invoices.
If the vehicle being assigned the new rego number has an active work order (See Invoicing Overview), the new rego number will be assigned to the work order.
The vehicle's history is transfered to the new rego number.

New Vehicle
Load Vehicle
Change Vehicle Rego
Change Vehicle Owner

Vehicle History
History by Date

New Reminder
Load all Reminders
Load Reminders Due
