On-Line Manual




Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket  Workshop

Columns are where G-E stores all the ledger transactions. A column must be associated with a category.

To create a new column, select Ledger from the Main Menu. From the drop down menu, select Column. From the Column submenu, select New Column. The
Category list is displayed.
Select the category to which the new column will be associated and click Ok. The New Column dialogue is displayed.

The title bar of the new column dialogue shows the category name that this new column will be associated with. Enter the name of the column in the Column Name field. If you have an initial balance for this supplier, (the total amount spent with them to date) enter the figure in the Initial Balance field. Enter any notes about the supplier in the Notes field. If expenditure with this supplier is GST exempt, check the GST Exempt check box. Click Ok or press Enter to save the new column. G-E confirms the new column added.
Repeat as above to create columns for all your suppliers. Each supplier you have dealings with should have a column.

Examples of Categories & Associated Columns:
    Engine reconditioners you deal with.
    Tow truck companies you deal with.
    Radiator repairers you deal with.

    General garbage removal company.
    Waste oil removal company.

    Employee 1
    Employee 2

    Workshop insurance company.
    Vehicle insurance company.
    Worker's cover company.

GST Exempt. When collecting information for GST reports, G-E obtains much of the information from ledger columns. All expenditure columns are tallied to obtain total expenditure for the GST period. If a column has the GST Exempt
check box checked, the column is ignored when calculating total GST expenditure. This would apply to columns like Wages etc.
We are not tax accountants. If you are unsure whether an expenditure column is GST exempt or not, please contact your accountant or tax advisor for advice.


New Column
Edit Column
View Column
Move Column
Delete Column
