On-Line Manual




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Delete Column is used to remove a column from the ledger.

To delete a column select Ledger
from the Main Menu. From the drop down menu, select Column. From the Column submenu, select Delete Column. The Column list is displayed in alphabetical order along with the category to which each column is associated.

Locate the column you wish to delete by either scrolling the list or entering the column name in the search text line above the list. Select the column by highlighting the entry and clicking Ok, pressing the Enter key or double clicking the entry. G-E confirms the deletion.
Delete Column is used to hide a column from the system. We use the word "hide" because the column is not really deleted. It is just hidden from view. If you delete a column and later wish to restore it, create a new column with the same name. G-E will detect the hidden column (supposing the name is the same) and offer the option to restore it. If you opt to restore the column, it will be restored with all the information it contained when it was deleted. Of course you will have to update the information if required.


New Column
Edit Column
View Column
Move Column
Delete Column
