On-Line Manual




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Columns represent your suppliers. Each and every supplier who furnishes your business with goods or services should have a column in the ledger.

G-E stores all the ledger information in the columns. Categories serve only as a means to organise your columns into logical groups to make working with large ledgers easier.

A column needs to be associated with a category. You can't create columns without first having created a category to place the column in.

Let us presume you have already created a category and named it "PARTS SUPPLIERS". You would then associate all your parts suppliers as columns in the PARTS SUPPLIERS category.

A column can be associated with more than one category. You may have a category TRAINING and a category for EQUIPMENT. You may have a supplier from whom you purchase both training courses and equipment. G-E allows you to associate one column (supplier) to both or more categories.

Creating columns is a simple affair but you should give some thought to the ledger layout before diving in and creating categories and columns "willy nilly" only to have to reorganize the layout later.


New Column
Edit Column
View Column
Move Column
Delete Column
