
Vehicle History (Step 2)

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History (Step 3)

G-E has now read every invoice in the previous list, searching for instances of the search
text and instantly presents the result of the search. (Scroll below image for more info).

The list of invoices has been dramatically reduced. The list now displays only those invoices in which there is a reference to the search text. In this case "battery". Now the columns "Text" and "Part" come into play. If the search text, "battery", was found in the "Text" section of the invoice, G-E places a check mark 'x' in the Text column. This means we have referred to the word "battery" somewhere in the invoice text or notes. If G-E finds the search text in the "Parts" section of the invoice, it places a check mark 'x' in the Parts column. This means we have actually sold a part containing the search text.
From this result, it is quite rudimentary to see which invoice in which we actually sold a battery.