
Download Instructions
Known Issues With The Current Version (3.27)

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This download contains the files to install the program. The Graphics Library will contain only one image, however, to reduce the download size. This is the complete program, however until registered, it will be limited to generating 100 invoices. A pop-up message will appear each time an invoice is started to advise you of the number remaining. This message does not appear when the correct registration code is applied.
(1.60 Mb)


This download contains files for updating the program to the latest version. Check your current version by selecting "Workshop > About". Do not download this file unless the system is already installed. The update version includes all changes in previous versions.
(685 Kb)
   Latest Update: Version  3.45                 
This update MUST be applied to all computers running G-E if you are updating from version 3.34 or earlier.
View Version Changes 

This download will install the manual on your hard disk. The manual is the same as that on this website. Having the manual to hand on your hard disk offers obvious speed advantages.
(4.27 Mb).



Here is the complete system with more images for the Graphics Library and the full user manual all in one self installing package.
Until registered, the program has the same limitations as stated in the "Download Program" link text above.
(11.4 Mb).