On-Line Manual




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On occasions you may have a windfall (lucky you!). The Other -> Bank function is used to enter any other payments to the Bank column which are out of the ordinary. An injection of capital for example.

To enter an Other -> Bank deposit, select Ledger from the main menu. Select Do the Banking from the drop down menu. Select Other -> Bank from the submenu. The Other -> Bank dialogue is presented:

The Date field holds the current date. This is the date G-E will use for the Other -> Bank deposit. Change the date if required.
Enter the amount of the Other -> Bank deposit in the Amount field.
Enter notes about the Other -> Bank deposit in the Notes field. Notes would normally be required for this type of deposit to explain the origin of the funds. The Notes field is not limited to the length shown. Keep typing at the end of the field if needed to accommodate the notes.
Click Ok or press Enter to execute the transfer. 

What Just Happened?
The Ledger Bank column was increased by the amount in the Amount field. The entry in the Bank column shows the notes as entered in the Notes field with the entry.

Do the Banking

Other -> Bank
