On-Line Manual




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Cash Return is used to credit a client for a docket sale.

To create a Cash Return, select Docket
from the Main Menu. From the drop down menu, select Cash Return. The Cash Return dialogue opens overlaid by the Global part library listing. This parts listing contains all the Global parts in the system.

Enter the search text for the part you wish to credit in the Cash Return. Select the part and click Ok, double click the entry or press Enter
to add the part item to the Cash Return.

To enter a "Model Specific" part, click The Model Part control. The Model Specific libraries are presented. Select the model library you require and scroll to the part you wish to enter in the Cash Return.

The Part Quantity dialogue is presented. The quantity is defaulted to "1". Enter the quantity of the part you wish to add to the Cash Return. Click Ok
or press Enter to add the part to the return. The part is added and the part library is instantly presented again for the next entry. Continue adding the items as above. When you have added all the items, click Cancel or press Esc to clear the library from the screen. The Cash Return is shown listing all the items you have added. If you wish to add further items, select the Add Items control. The parts library listing is represented. Add the items as above. To remove an item from the list, select the item and click Delete Item.

The total line at the bottom of the Cash Return shows the total GST component and total cost of the items. Select the Save and Print control to save the Cash Return to the system and send the return to the printer. At this point, the return is saved to the system and the parts inventory is updated.

Any parts entered in the Cash Return are automatically added back
to the Inventory. If in fact the parts were not returned, the Inventory will require a manual update to adjust the level accordingly.

Cash Returns cannot be edited or deleted once saved. Cash returns are listed in the
Load Docket list and can be opened for viewing or repinting if required.

New Docket
Load Docket
Cash Return
Select Printer