On-Line Manual




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Load Part / Code and Load Part / Model are both used to load a part file to the screen for viewing or editing. The difference between the two is the search method. Loading a part by code searches the entire parts system (all libraries) for the part. The listing is shown in alphabetical order and will scroll to the closest match to the search text entered.
Loading a part by model groups all the "Model Specific" parts into their respective model groups. The model groups are listed in alphabetical order. Only "Model Specific" parts are listed.
To load a part by code, select Parts
from the Main Menu. Select Load Part / Code from the drop down menu. The Select Part search list is displayed.

Enter the code for the part you wish to load. As you start to enter the search code text, the listing scrolls to the closest match. Entering an asterisk ( * ) ahead of the search code text activates the 'wildcard' search. G-E will then search for the first code that contains the search text. Press F12 to go to the next closest match.

The Select Part search list shows three columns: Code, Type and Description. The Code column shows the part codes. The Type column shows "Labour" for a "Labour" entry, "Part" for a "Global Part" entry, "Other" for an "Other Revenue" entry and "Sublet" for a "Sublet Work" entry. If an entry is "Model Specific", the name of the model library in which the entry resides is shown.

Select the part from the list that you wish to load. The
Edit Part dialogue for the selected part is shown to the screen in "View mode". This view of the selected part does not reveal the Notes or Cost Price fields. This is to prevent a client from seeing these fields should they be looking at the screen while you check a part price.

Select any field and change the information as needed. Click Edit or press the Spacebar to reveal the hidden fields. If you make any changes to the part file, click Ok or press Enter to save the changes. Clicking Cancel or pressing Esc closes the window without saving. To delete the part from the system, click Delete Part. Deleted parts cannot be found by Part History searches.

Any field in the edit part dialogue may be edited. If you change the code, however, G-E assumes you have created a new part entry. G-E will then ask if you wish to delete the part entry with the original code. If you select Yes, G-E will remove the original part library entry from the system. If you select No, G-E will add a new part entry to the library with the new code.

Parts System Overview

New Part
New Labour
New Sublet Work
New Other Revenue

Load Part/Code
Load Part/Model

Part History
By Code
By Model
By Client
By Vehicle