On-Line Manual




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Outstanding Debtors presents a list of all clients who owe or owed money at any time. This list is useful and indeed required by your accountant when preparing your fiscal year figures.

To show the outstanding debtors, select Ledger
from the Main Menu. Select Outstanding Debtors from the drop down menu. G-E presents a single date dialogue.

Enter the date to mark the end of the period to be examined and click Ok. The Outstanding Debtors list is presented listing all clients who had outstanding balances as at the entered date.

Any client in the list can have their details shown by clicking View Client. Select Print to print the Outstanding Debtors list.

Do the Banking =>
Pay Supplier
Other Transfers =>
Edit Transfer =>

Category =>
Column =>
Column Listing

Transactions Report
Outstanding Debtors
Uncleared Payments

Creditors Owed
Process Creditor

Reconcile Bank

Income / Expenditure
GST Report