On-Line Manual





Client  Vehicle  Invoice  Accounts  Ledger  Parts  Orders  Utilities  Docket  Workshop

The Write Letter function is used to write a letter to a single selected client. The letter you write can be saved to the letter library if you wish or discarded without saving.

To write a letter to a single selected client, select Client from the Main Menu. Select Write Letter from the drop down menu. G-E presents the client search list.

Select the client to whom you wish to write the letter. G-E presents the New Letter editor.

If you intend to save the letter you are about to write, enter a code to recall this letter from the library in the Code field. Enter a description of the letter in the Description field. If you don't intend to save the letter to the library, leave the fields blank.

Activate the editor by either clicking anywhere in the editor window with the mouse, or use the Tab key to step through the fields.

Type the letter into the editor. (G-E justifies the text when the letter is printed).

G-E uses "variables" (The "%"  (percent symbol) and a letter) in all its letter functions. At the bottom of the editor window, the variables are shown as a reference to their meaning. The variables used are: %n (Name),  %f (Friendly Name),  %a (Address),  %v (Vehicle Make),  %m (Vehicle Model),  %r (Rego Number). Variables are of great assistance when writing letters. Anywhere a variable is placed in the letter's text, an appropriate substitution is made when the letter is printed.

Eg. If the letter contains the variables %f, %v, %m, %r in the text:
Dear %f. Your %v %m, %r was last serviced .....

The result could be (depending on the client and vehicle information stored in the client file):
Dear John. Your Toyota Camry, ABC123 was last serviced ......

After you have written the letter, select the Print control to proceed. G-E scans the letter to see if you have included variables in the text. If no variables are included, G-E presents the Date dialogue. The dialogue contains the current date. This is the date G-E will print on the letter. You can change the date if you wish and G-E will use the changed date.

If the letter is found to contain variables, G-E will present the Substitute Text dialogue. The Substitute Text dialogue contains the information G-E has obtained from the client file relating to the variables within the letter text. The information can be changed here and the printed letter will reflect the changes made.

Variables are not a prerequisite when writing letters. If you intend to write a "one off" letter and discard it afterwards, just type client names etc if you wish.

The easiest way to show how this function is used is to give an interactive example.



New Client
Load Client
Print Clients
Write Letter
Print Letters
Print Envelopes
Print Statement










